San Luis Obispo Cooperative Approach Attorney

Not every divorce or custody dispute has to end with anger and frustration. While emotions can run high in divorce, many couples seek out alternatives to the courtroom drama of airing their “dirty laundry” publicly. By working cooperatively to reach a settlement, you can save money and time and take control over the terms of your agreement. Perhaps most importantly, if you have children, you can protect them from a heated court battle and maintain your co-parenting relationship for the sake of your family.
I am Robbi Rizzo, Attorney at Law, and I can help you reach an amicable agreement with your former spouse or partner through open cooperation and negotiation. I will work to help you reach an agreement that settles all issues, protects your rights and is a reasonable solution for everyone.
To learn more about the cooperative approach to divorce and other family law issues, contact my law office in San Luis Obispo or Paso Robles.
What Is The Cooperative Approach?
Taking a cooperative approach to your divorce or family matter is an informal way of resolving issues in a respectful manner, saving you money and stress, while still achieving a fair result. Many of my clients simply feel more comfortable having an attorney negotiate for them, as opposed to negotiating directly with their spouse or through a neutral mediator. They prefer to be represented throughout the process to understand their rights, even though they want to keep things amicable and minimize attorney fees. The process requires cooperation on both sides, whether I negotiate directly with an opposing party representing him or herself or with cooperative opposing counsel.
With the help of a skilled San Luis Obispo cooperative approach lawyer and experienced legal advice, you can feel confident in the decisions you make for your family and your future in reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.
There are many benefits to taking this approach to your family matter, including:
- Saving you money: The more contentious your dispute, the higher the fees. You can reduce your costs by having an open, honest conversation. I can help you focus on the issues that are relevant and take an objective look at options to keep the costs down and reach an agreement with the least stress possible. “Aggressive” representation does not necessarily translate to better results. Each situation must be assessed individually to determine an appropriate strategy and the best use of limited funds.
- Custom tailoring your agreement: If you take your case to court, you are putting very personal decisions in the hands of a stranger and you run the risk that the aspects that are most important to you will not be considered. Through the cooperative approach, we are free to step out of the “box” and pursue creative solutions to the unique issues in your case. By taking the time to listen to your concerns and understand your goals, I can help you design an agreement that meets your specific needs. Whether this involves a custom-tailored visitation schedule to accommodate unusual work schedules or the division of an asset that cannot or should not be split down the middle, we will explore every option to reach an agreement that is in your best interest.
- Maintaining the co-parenting relationship: If you have children, whether you like it or not, you will have an ongoing relationship with your ex-spouse or former partner for years to come. The animosity and contentious nature of litigation makes it difficult to focus on the kids and transition to the healthy, post-divorce co-parenting relationship your children need. By resolving your disputes cooperatively, you stand a better chance of preserving the co-parenting and other family relationships into the future.
You Can Be Represented By A Lawyer And Have An Amicable Divorce
Contact my law office online or call me at 805-762-4766 (toll free at 877-209-7353) to schedule a consultation in San Luis Obispo or Paso Robles.